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Advent Calendar 2018​


Quiz Response for the Day (Learn Section)

* Rules *

  • Only one question is applicable each day. All entries to be submitted by 7:30 pm of the respective day.

  • Individual and house points will be accumulated until the end of the season to decide the winners.

  • The decision of the judges is final.

Please provide all the required details.

Your answer has been submitted successfully. 

Day 25.png
Leader Board - Individual
Leader Board - House
Advent Calendar Dec 1
Day 2.png
Day 3.png
Day 4.png
Day 5.png
Day 6.png
Day 7.png
Day 8.png
Day 9.png
Day 10.png
Day 11.png
Day 12.png
Day 13.png
Day 14.png
Day 15.png
Day 16.png
Day 17.png
Day 18.png
Day 19.png
Day 20.png
Day 21.png
Day 22.png
Day 23.png
Day 24.png

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